Coastal Tours and Seal Trips in Suffolk
Suffolk has a spectacular coastline, with much of it being part of the Suffolk Coast National Nature Reserve.
Along the Suffolk Coast there are many estuary inlets of great rivers such as The River Deben, The River Alde, The River Stour, The River Orwell and The River Blyth; only by boat can you see the myriad of estuary birds and wildlife supported by acres of reedbeds and marshland.
The Suffolk Coast is also home to a number of Seals. Go Seal Watching on a special Seal Watching Trip Boat, which allows you to come up close and personal to these cheeky chaps - they’re inquisitive animals who usually swim up to the boat to investigate or often decide to stay and relax in the sun.
Suffolk is home to both the Common Seal and the Grey Seal. The Common Seal have their young between June and August, whilst The Grey Seal pups between November and January.
Use the town links below to see the different Coastal Tours and Seal Trips throughout Suffolk or alternatively, switch to the map view to see all Coastal Tours and Seal Trips in Suffolk.